nLab Paul Hertz

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Paul Hertz (1881-1940) was a German theoretical physicist and philosopher who made important pioneering contributions to structural proof theory. In particular, his explorations of axiomatic “Satzsysteme” (systems of sentences) in the 1920s was a stepping stone to Gerhard Gentzen's sequent calculus.


  • Paul Bernays, Hertz, Paul, Neue Deutsche Biographie 8 (1969) p.711. (link)

  • Gerhard Gentzen, Über die Existenz unabhängiger Axiomensysteme zu unendlichen Satzsystemen,

    Math. Ann. 107 (1933) pp. 329-350. (gdz)

  • Paul Hertz, Über die Axiomensysteme kleinster Satzzahl für ein System von Sätzen und den Begriff des idealen Elementes, Jahresbericht DMV 31 (1922) pp.154-157. (gdz)

  • Paul Hertz, Über Axiomensysteme für beliebige Satzsysteme I, Math. Ann. 87 (1922) pp.246-269. (gdz)

  • Paul Hertz, Über Axiomensysteme für beliebige Satzsysteme II, Math. Ann. 89 (1923) pp.76-102. (gdz)

  • Paul Hertz, Über Axiomensysteme für beliebige Satzsysteme, Math. Ann. 101 (1929) pp.457-514. (gdz)

  • Javier Legris, Paul Hertz and the Origin of Structural Reasoning, introduction to an English translation of Hertz (1922) pp.3-10 in Béziau (ed.), Universal logic from Paul Hertz to Dov Gabbay, Birkhäuser Basel 2012.

  • Peter Schroeder-Heister, Resolutions and the Origins of Structural Reasoning: Early Proof-Theoretic Ideas of Hertz and Gentzen, Bulletin Symbolic Logic 8 no.2 (2002) pp.246-265. (extended draft)

category: people

Last revised on January 25, 2017 at 20:45:08. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.